Monday, January 26, 2009

The New York Times on the Denver Real Estate Market

This New York Times story about the Denver real estate market and regional economy is a few weeks old, from January 6, 2009, but interesting nonetheless. The money quote:

"A number of elements are cited as keeping this region afloat as other areas
founder: investments in public transportation, aggressive economic development
and, most significant, a two-decade campaign to diversify the region’s economic
base from oil and gas to alternative energy, aerospace, technology and
telecommunications. As a result, said Scott Anderson, a Wells
economist who also spoke to the assembly, Denver and its region are
“in for a more mild recession” than the rest of the country."


Anonymous said...

Would love to read the article - and I love your blog - but the link to the article is invalid.

Jeff Kraft said...

The Link to the article should be fixed. Its working now from my computer. Thanks for the comment.

Sacha Durand said...

It works, most excellent! Thanks!